DAMN, how long has it been? According to my profile here, we haven't spoken since September... I know I know, I've been meaning to call you, I've just been sooooo busy... Don't worry guys, it's not you, it's me. Lemme try to fill you in on the haps from the past few months.
- First of all, yall remember Sweetness, right? Yeah well she and I broke up like 2 days after that last blog.... Anyone who knew anything about our relationship saw that coming probably before we did, but I don't regret any of it; It was good for the experience, if nothing else and She's apparently bounced back nicely since then. Good for you, Sweetness, good for you.
As for my own recovery, it looked for awhile that it was going nicely with another gal, but it just never really materialized to much. I think we're both more or less to blame for that, but after dating for months on end, it became clear that if it had taken us that long to become serious, then it probably wasn't meant to happen. It's a shame it took that long for the realization, but not everything i
s gonna be apparent from Jump Street. I enjoyed the time we spent together though, she is still a great girl and I certainly
hold no ill will towards her. But being ever the optimist (er, naive manchild) that I am, there are always backup plans in mind so now I've moved in a different direction hopefully towards something new with someone else. Don't wanna jinx it, as nothing of note has really started yet, but let's just say that I am not without prospects; Stay tuned for further developments.
- Halloween '09 came and went, but not before Gossip Girl and I proceeded to rock many a sock off, Kanye West and Taylor Swift style. I had a tougher time pulling
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The blonde wig fit me well though. |
off a teenage white girl look than I anticipated, but in the end I think I nailed it.
- A new school semester has started and as of right now is about halfway over; WHERE DOES THE TIME GO? My classes this semester aren't as tough as last semesters (partly because it may or may not include some repeats),
but the spacing this semester seems alot better. I actually like these ones for the most part and hopefully we can get through them all without a hitch.
- From late November - early February, I returned to my "job" as a Textbook Temp at the bookstore and this time was even more fudge-packed with shenanigans than the 1st time. There were a few repeat characters besides myself this season, including you-know-who (see Textbook Temps: Doin Work). But this season's show also included a new stable of characters that most notably provided much better eye candy for we red-blooded straight males (and depending on what you wanna refer to he/she as, possibly someone for those that may have had a much more ambiguous sexual taste). The identities of said eye candy shall be protected for safety and privacy purposes, but let's hope they make it back for the next season; one of them I know for sure will, anyways. ThankYaJesus.
The group of temps this year was a little less clique-y than the summer's batch and because of that, there was a pretty good group rapport from the beginning. It helped that I and some of the returnees were kinda tight to begin with, which made us more or less the leaders of the Temp movement. The permanents (save for one who took a bit of a power trip halfway thru the season) were all really good people, but outside of work, none of us really saw them. We temps had a few FUBU (For Us By Us - dont act like yall dont remember when FUBU ran the streets) parties, thus increasing our group dynamic. The whole experience was generally just better than the first. Of course, that's not to say that it was all peaches and cream, but let's not dwell on the negative, mmmkay? Shout outs are in order to everyone that worked there this season, here's to hoping we can all (or at least most of us) can come back and do it again next time.
- MU football season ended with quite the thud. Apparently that Bowl
ing Green game I told yall about was an ominous precursor to what was in store for the rest of the season. Now, to be fair, we MU football fans have become a bit spoiled by the success of the Chase Daniel era, so this was bound to be a bit of a rebuilding year, if for no other reason than we were breaking in a new QB (who, for the record, is arguably MUCH more talented than Daniel or possibly Brad Smith before him ever was). Because of said rebuilding,

we finished the season at a slightly disappointing 8-5. Some of those losses - Texas, Oklahoma St. - were expected, but others - Navy in the Texas Bowl, FUCKING BAYLOR (minus it's best player, I might add), IN COLUMBIA - are inexcusable. Point blank, period. The Nebraska game - also here in Columbia - is excusable because A) our QB was hobbled, B) you truly had to be here to appreciate how much of a nuisance the constant rain was, and C) their defense as a whole was greater than the sum of its parts, and was led by an All-Big 12, All-American, All-Fuckin Universe DT that will most likely be one of the top 2 picks in this year's NFL draft; make no mistake about it, "dominant" doesnt come close to describing homeboy's impact on the field, and we all got to see it that night up-close-and-personal. Blaine Gabbert is probably still having nightmares about that dude. For God's sake, his name literally translates
to "House of Spears." And after particularly scary performance that included a play on which he nearly decapitated one of our WR's, that sounds about right.
But also included in this season was a scintillating come-from-behind victory in the Border War showdown with KU at Arrowhead Stadium in KC, marking the 2nd time in 3 years that KU QB Todd Reesing's final play ended with him wearing turf from his own endzone as an asshat. That, coupled with the fact that the victory also gave KU its 7th defeat in as many games - meaning they would not be bowl-eligible and eventually bringing an end to the Mark-Mangina era - was enough to say that this season was at least on some level, a success. I, for one, am certainly excited about next year's potential.
- MU basketball is also experiencing a rebuilding year, but the learning curve wasn't nearly as steep as originally projected. There have been a couple of head-scratching losses - hello, Oral Roberts and Oklahoma - but there have been a couple of games we've won that the disparity in talent between us and them would have dictated otherwise, such as Texas and Kansas St. And outside of our worst 2nd half of the season costing us a close game against Texas A&M and the deflating-but-ultimately-not-surprising blowout at the hands of KU, Mizzou Arena once again proved to be a huge detriment to any teams coming in looking to beef up their own road game resumes. We shall certainly be back in the NCAA tournament for a 2nd straight year and with the bulk of our scoring output coming from underclassmen and a recruiting class ranked as high as #7 overall in some places coming in next year, MU basketball looks to be well on its way to becoming one of the conference's - and perhaps the nation's - elite.
- This past weekend held the Academy Awards. Big award shows tend to be hit-or-miss, but I thought it was pretty solid for the most part. The night was co-hosted by Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. In my book, Baldwin can pretty much do no wrong, but Martin was more or less the lead guy between them. Either way, they were pretty damn funny throughout and I kinda wish they had been allowed to speak more. The big winners of the night were The Hurt Locker for best picture and its directer - Kathryn Bigelow - for Best Director. B the w, she is the ex-wife of another heavy favorite for Best Director - James Cameron - who recently made this movie you may or may not have heard of. It's called Avatar, or something weird like that. Other newsworthy prizes went to Razzie award-winning (for worst lead actress) Sandra Bullock (I love her) for Best Lead Actress, Jeff "The Dude" Bridges for Best Lead Actor, and Mo'Nique - yup, THAT MONIQUE - for Best Supporting Actress, inducting her into the fraternity of African-Americans to have recently won Academy Awards with Denzel Washington, Jamie Foxx, Halle Berry, and fucking Three-6-Mafia. (<--One of these things is not like the others)
With all due respect to Mo'Nique, I'm not sure many of us ever saw this happening until Precious (based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire!!!!!), a movie in which by all accounts, she gave a remarkably gripping performance. But, if one of you blogosphanatics had Mo'Nique as the next African-American to win an Oscar in your office pool, then chances are that you won against VERY large (no pun intended) odds, and the only thing left for you to do before you can retire is to go from house to house of your respective coworkers and collect on that dough, because dammit, you deserve it. Day or night doesn't matter, let's just get this money.
Anyways, I live blog-tweeted most of the entire Oscars affair, so if you're looking to peep game, go to http://twitter.com/MrWilliams88 and check me out. And for those of you who have twitter accounts, don't be a McAsshole and just go there this once and then NOT follow me. It's a dick move, and ya HATE to see it. But in the meantime, I think we've caught up on quite enough for today. Until next time, this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off....
Yall take care now.