What is up blogoteers, how ya livin'? Don't feel the need to audibly answer that, because I wouldn't be able to hear you and was just asking as a formality anyways.
I don't have a specific topic in mind today, but since this blog is as celebratory an Independence Day activity as I'm going to participate in this year, what I do have is a shitload of free time and a mean case of logorrhea, for which I'm sure you all know the only prescription-->

- Speaking of cows, let me tell ya'll what's some bullshit: The USA Today crossword puzzle. Allegedly these things get tougher everyday of the week, so balking at the thought of starting with Monday's presumably too-simple-for-my-advanced-mind puzzle, I decided to dive balls deep into Tuesday's offering; ***FACE PALM***
It is now Sunday night, and instead of giving rocket scientry a shot and getting a Sunday puzzle, I'm stuck in neutral, having only done about 30% of the Tuesday puzzle. Frustrating? Yes. Humbling? Undoubtedly. But as I got stuck between a 4-letter word for "Old Turkish Dignitaries" and a 5-letter synonym for "Imp," I realized something: the USA Today puzzles are CLEARLY another way for THE man to further subjugate the BLACK man. This is why black people don't read the paper.
- It's almost Textbook Temp. time of year again. In roughly two weeks, I'll be back at the every MU student's choice bookstore, taking your orders and subsequently throwing them away shortly thereafter. It's obviously not something I'd want to make a career out of, but while I'm in school, it beats not working at all, especially during these long summer days. Stay tuned for further adventures on that front.
- I've still not managed to see The A-Team or Toy Story 3, two movies that I was determined to see long before they came to theaters. For some reason, people don't really seem to like going to movies as much as I do anymore, and I have no idea why that is. I guess it's because most of us are old enough to go out to bars now and college, I've been told, is mostly about getting drunk, having meaningless sex and other forms of the fun that can be induced by experimenting with other substances and/or people. That doesn't seem to leave much room for good clean fun anymore (anybody remember going rollerskating or bowling?), so it's either alcoholic activity or bust, sometimes; Not driving for myself has definitely proven to be far more crippling this summer than ever before.
- Rumor had it this week that Tiger Woods' estranged ex-wife, Elin NobodyCaresAboutHerLastName was due to receive upwards of $700 million in the divorce proceedings. Over SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS. The news spread pretty fast, and even the Obama's had something to say on the matter.

Since then, I think the number has come down to $100 million (still more than enough money to set her, her children, her grandchildren, and even her great grandchildren up for life, but a far more reasonable figure, all things considered). The point here is that I need to know if there is any crime that one person can commit against another that is worth that sort of money. Don't get me wrong, I IN NO WAY condone Tiger acting like a sexual deviant and having affairs with all those women. It's reprehensible behavior for anyone to treat their spouse that way, especially someone who had been previously looked up to as much as Tiger had. And don't get it twisted, blogomaniacs - Tiger Woods is LOADED with cash; that boy got STUPID money. But reparations to the tune of $700 million, NONE of which she brought into that household herself? How long do you think Elin and her lawyers talked about the money figures before they thought it got out of hand? Did someone suggest $800 million before they were rebuked by the rest of the group for just being TOO ridiculous? Just the fact that some of us legitimately entertained the idea of her getting $700+ million has got to be considered a win for them. They probably haven't stopped hugging and high-fiving each other yet.
How can women argue with a straight face that they're marrying for love, and then have a marriage fall apart and they start asking for exorbitant concessions like that after the fact? Obviously every woman who gets divorced can't ask for that much money, but it's all relative. Even with men that are only middle-class workers, there are women divorcing them and asking to take everything from them - the house, the kids, the car, etc. A marriage is an equal union - theoretically, yes - but if it's that simple to get at least half of everything after a divorce (even if the husband is really the only one bringing in all of that money), then what's to stop gold-digging heifers from jumping into loveless marriages just praying for the day that their man slips up enough to get that divorce? And the worst part about it? Our culture is one that is not-so-subtly instigating the whole thing - yes, I'm talking about Basketball Wives - by shoving these succubi down our throats. Shame on you, VH1.
- Speaking of shame, shame on you all who read this and are on twitter and are not following me on there (http://twitter.com/MrWilliams88) or those of you who enjoy reading blogs such as this one and aren't reading up on my partna'dem 5 Deuce 4 Trey (http://ralphrude.blogspot.com/). If you're not doing either of those things, then you're losing.
- Finally, I've declared "Shutterbug" by Big Boi (the normal guy from Outkast) to be the official summer jam of 2010. Even if you don't have any discernible rhythm in your body, you should feel like busting a move when that bass line drops. Get on board or get run over, people - that song goes HARD.
For serious though, happy 4th of July to everyone. This is one of the few times that I would love to be home in VA. I wish I were at some sort of cookout right now with a bunch of friends and family, but alas, I cannot be, and so I'm with ya'll knuckleheads instead. So for those of you who are out at picnics or cookouts celebrating with others, enjoy yourselves and bring me a plate of food. Preferably just the food thing though, a brotha is hungry.
Until next time, this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off....... Ya'll take care now.