- This summer has flown by faster than any summer I can recall. I think that's because normally I spend my summer back home in Richmond lamenting the fact that I'm not in CoMo boozing it up with my fellow college students. And by boozing it up, I mean babysitting them as they get drunk and I quietly sit in the corners of random bars and house parties, weirding everyone out with my sobriety; Talk about a Debbie Downer.

Bo Peep: Now apart of the gang
But that's what this summer has mostly been about: hanging out at bars and such, with the occasional class being laced in every week. Gossip Girl and I have become part of a triumverate with our friend Bo Peep. We go waaaaaay back with Bo Peep to the days of 3rd floor of North Hall, which seems like an eternity ago. Back then, we didn't really hang out with Bo Peep quite as much (thanks to another of our acquaintances who tried to hoard her most of the year), but around the end of this school year, we happened to run into her at our favorite Wednesday night watering hole, and the rest - as they say - is history. Week in and week out this summer, the 3 of us - with the occasional assistance of her always-hilarious, never-boring bff ET - have made it our business to weed CoMo of its bar scene sleeziness, one gelled-up, collar-popped douchelord at a time. Any of you who have ever been out in any college town know that the bar scene tends to be over-saturated with them, so your army can never be too strong. Welcome to the gang and to the cloudy stream-of-consciousness that is SirMarcusRantsAndRaves, Bo Peep.
- In non-sequitor news, I - along with just about everyone else, I'm assuming - just moved. As in this morning. My roommate's girlfriend - hereby known as #2 - and her family assisted me in getting my shit outta Gateway before the ridiculously asinine checkout time of 10 a.m. That's 10 a.m. on a fucking saturday morning in the dead of summer, I might add. However, after managing to easily defeat the checkout time at Gateway, we then proceeded to try to move all of her stuff out of her old apartment and into her new one - right next door to ours - by 12. This task proved FAR more difficult, as #2 owned most of the stuff at her old apartment, most of which hadn't really been packed yet. And even once it was, all of her other stuff paled in comparison to what came to be the crescendo of our moving experience - trying to get her piano down the structurally-weak wooden steps of her previous residence and into the bed of her brother's truck. The good news is that we just barely beat the clock at her old apartment. The bad news is that between that piano and the TV that Gossip Girl just gave me, I've worked up quite the sweat moving things recently, and we all know being sweaty just ain't sexy. Given, the TV was harder to move up the stairs at Gateway when I first got it, but it still sucked today too. Put these moving experiences together with the fact that this week was my 1st week back textbook temp-ing at the bookstore, and I dare say that a brotha hasn't worked this hard over the course of 1 week since slave days.
Haha jk, slavery wasn't THAT hard.
The crux of the matter here is that moving is, without fail, always one of the least pleasant activities that one can put themselves through. Obviously I'm not breaking any new ground here by announcing my hatred for moving, but that doesn't make my statements any less valid. Has anyone ever had even an OKAY time moving? Don't be silly, of course not. Obviously moving is a necessary evil, but still, there's gotta be a better way. Dear Lord, I can't wait until the technology is developed that allows us to blink and have whatever we're thinking happen because moving is gonna jump right to the top of my list there.

- A new season of Jersey Shore started this week. I always thought it would be a cold day in hell before there was something with "Shore" in its name that was worse than Paulie, but then again, my feet have been unusually cold as of late, so there you go. That all being said, J-WOWW can get the Dickens.
- I've spent the past 3 months or so trying to cultivate a nice set of waves in my hair and I'd actually made quite some headway in that regard (did you see what I did there?), but on the other hand, since I don't get my hair cut that often, I currently find myself sporting a mini-afro. I won't lie to you, I've given some thought to growing out a full afro and/or bringing back the cornrows, but my hair grows slower than trees do, so no one I hang out with now would even really get to fully enjoy it. I'll probably get my hair cut sometime this week for "Formal Fridays" (a campaign I've tried to start at the bookstore), so the mini-fro looks to be a short-term thing anyways. Stay tuned for further developments in this case, as I'm quite the flip-flopper with cosmetic things like this.
- Last time, I suggested that you all get up on "Shutterbug" by Big Boi. This time around, I'm throwing it back to the old school and suggesting that "Can You Stand The Rain?" by New Edition finds its way into your musical lexicon. It's a much more mellow song, but a damn good one. You're welcome.
Well blogosphanatics, I think that's as good a point to end on as any. The infrequency with which I've been blogging recently has been bothering me, so I felt I needed to jump back into the game for a minute. If I'm ever gonna reach my goal of being a writer, I'm gonna need to build up a bigger catalog anyways, so hopefully we can get together more often. Don't hold your breath on that one cuz I am - first and foremost - lazy, but know that the desire is there, if not always the execution. Until next time, this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off..... Yall stay classy now.