Bonjour, blogosphere! Sir Marcus here bringing you a long overdue update on latest happenings in my life, whether you care to hear them or not.
When we last spoke over a month ago, I had just "graduated" from the University of Missouri. I enclosed that word in quotes because if one were to ask most of my friends around CoMo, they would tell you that nothing has really changed -- I'm still in town and wandering around campus all the time like I was before. Part of this is because I was going to be in town anyways -- my lease is not up until July and it doesn't make a great deal of sense to pay rent for an apartment that you don't plan to inhabit. But perhaps a bigger reason for my continued presence is that I can't claim to take GPA as seriously as everyone else seems to, so while obviously I made it through college, it wasn't exactly without any hiccups. Consequently, I am taking classes now to clean up my GPA a little bit in an effort to potentially go to grad school in the near future. Now I have an excuse to meander around campus a little longer and postpone the undeniably unnerving foray into that inordinately soul-crushing quagmire known as the "real world." Besides, all you blogosphanatics out there know you'd rather that I be around than I not be, so YOU'RE WELCOME. I do it because I care.
Great movie, better exhibition in LIES!!! |
Speaking of classes, I literally just received word that in lieu of the alleged impending snowpocalypse that we're staring down, classes are cancelled at least for tomorrow. This news would have meant next to nothing to me if I had graduated last spring like most of my classmates did. As it turns out however, this marks the 2nd time in my tenure at MU that classes have been cancelled for snow. This is significant because before the cancellation during my freshman year, MU hadn't cancelled classes for snow for like 30 years. Not even making that up. So with today's joyous news, I've now been apart of the rarest of rarities on two separate occasions; I knew there was a reason God wanted me to be here so long. TAKE THAT all you overachievers that graduated early or on time! I may not be seen by anyone but my roommate until Thursday, because Lord knows I'm not about to brave that weather. In fact, the only thing less likely than MU canceling classes for snow is seeing me partake in any snow-related activities. Why? Because black people don't do cold weather or snow - no sledding, tobogganing, bobsledding, ice fishing - and shame on you all for making me say it.
The bus wouldn't fit inside the house. |
- Yes, I just said "my roommate." I'm sure I mentioned this, but my previous roommate got married the very day of my graduation, and subsequently moved in with his wife who lives next door, leaving a vacancy in my apartment. This left me with two options: stumble into someone I knew that would happen to be looking for a new address, or convert the two-bedroom apartment into a free-swinging bachelor's pad. My homie Miss Frizzle showed interest initially but when that cooled off, I was prepared to fly solo for the spring. Just as I was getting ready to knock down the walls of one bedroom to create a giant utopian living compound, the frizzled one jumped back into the fray and decided to move in after all. She's lucky that Magic School Bus was my favorite cartoon as a kid. Not gonna lie - going back to sharing space in a place that I previously had all to my lonesome is going to take some getting used to, but if I have to share, I'm glad it's with someone who seems to get me the way she does. Also, it helps that she likes to cook and it's nice to have someone in the house to pick up some of the culinary slack. You never realize how rudimentary your own cooking skills are until someone moves in that knows how to make stuff outside of the microwave.
Me and the new Karma Chameleons. |
- What else have I done with my time, you ask? Besides continuing to have my ass handed to me in Scrabble by Miss Frizzle and HM, I just completed my 4th stint as a temporary textbook employee at the bookstore. Is that a little sad? It probably is on some level, but I mentally prepared myself to toil in vocational obscurity when I changed my major to English. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my application at
Gobias Industries pulls through, but short of that, it's not as if companies are tripping over themselves to hire people whose primary field of experience is in people watching. And if they are, I certainly have a bone to pick with the people withholding this info from me. But it's hard to feel bad about being a temp so many times when it has allowed me to meet so many good people over the past year and a half. My circle of friends has been in a constant state of flux since college started, and over the course of my 4 separate temp periods, it has been infused with some much-needed variety and depth by the bookstore, whether they be fellow textbook temps or lame cashiers who try to keep themselves busy by basically begging for our friendship (Hello, Jorge Pedro!). And through those friends, I've made even more friends and associates that I otherwise would not have, so I'm very grateful for being able to meet these people (with the exception of 1 or 2 of them, anyways -- JORGE).
- In non-sequitor news, Bo Peep, we miss you! Come back to me right now, dammit!
Anyways, that seems like a good place to stop the bleeding for today. With all of this extra school-bestowed free time, maybe you blogomaniacs will hear from me in the next couple of days...
But don't count on it. Anyways, until next time, this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off.... Yall stay classy out there.