Today's blog isn't concerned with any particular topic, just random musings on the day.
So I'm watching Eurotrip on TBS and the things that happen with these kids are so fucking inconceivable that it's hard to take this movie even the least bit serious. Not only are the kids in the movie STILL complete nobodies (except for the girl, who played Harriet the Spy umpteen years ago), but it's hard to believe anyone could have thought that these sorta things would EVER happen to anyone who visited Europe. Their entire trip is just one sequence of ridiculous events after another, many of which make me just shake my head in disbelief. I mean, seriously, how the hell are we supposed to believe that some kid can somehow not only get into the Vatican with no problem, but then INTO THE POPE'S PRIVATE QUARTERS without being noticed? All over some chick he only knows thru email? Now I can't fault him for taking a liking to someone he met online cuz I know I've been there myself, but give me a fucking break, Hollywood. I've been to Rome, and there's NO WAY IN 5 HELLS that any stranger would ever get that close to the Pope's room, supervised or not. I can not, will not, SHALL NOT be suspending my sense of belief to such an extent that something like that could or would happen. Sorry, no sale. What a terrible movie.

I'm hungry as hell. Randy has recently been imploring me to eat less processed food and get more into fruits, vegetables, and the like. I respect his enthusiasm, but everyone knows I hate veggies and I don't have any fresh fruits on my person, so microwave pasta tonight it is! But keep on fighting the good fight, young Randolph; you might be slowly getting through to me. At the very least, I'm working out just about every day, so that's a start.
Anyways, that's all for now, people. Until next time, this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off...
Yall take care.
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