This weekend was Halloween weekend 2010 and I must say, you all are in for a treat today because in my effort to recount the events to you we're going to do something a little different. Instead of the regular logorrhea that I normally serve, I'm gonna go with a kickass retro diary from Saturday, basically walking you through the events of the most noteworthy day of the weekend. Strap those fannies in tight cuz this ride is fitna get bumpy, but we're gonna do this thang; yes we are.
First off though, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I also had a kick-ass Friday night celebrating Old Hallow's Eve with esteemed members of Team AlphaWolfSquadron (the group consisting of me and some of my former textbook temp coworkers) Chuck Goldenrod and Baby Deer. Even the Old Ball & Chain dropped by for a little while to receive her obligatory butt-whoopin' in Beer Pong from me and BD. Bless her little temp heart, thinking she could beat us; so young, so naive. Anyways, we had a gay old time Friday night and shout out to everyone I met that night; yall are alright by me.
Saturday, October 30, 1:28 p.m.
Gossip Girl shows up at the crib to whisk us off to a watch party for the Mizzou/Nebraska game, a game that we soon saw would ultimately be decided in the 1st quarter.
First order of business: stop and get some food, as proper houseguest etiquette dictates we should. What do we decide to get, you ask? You are correct -- we DID get the 50-piece McNuggets meal from McDonald's! In a somewhat-related story, the two of us tried to take down one of these behemoths (50 nugs, 2 large fries and 2 large drinks) ourselves last year, thinking we could handle it cuz it wasn't really THAT much food. Shortly thereafter, my apartment at the time got really stuffy until I opened up the windows to let some of the wrong out. Having learned our lesson, this time we were bringing all of that food to hopefully be shared with a group of people.
1:57 p.m.
Apparently, all of CoMo wanted McD's around that same time, but we finally managed to get outta there and to the apartment of the host of the day's festivities, wReckshop. He and GG have just recently become, ummmm, "friends," but myself and a couple of returning characters that would join us -- Bo Peep and ET -- had known him for awhile. Had no idea this was the new "friend" that GG had been referring to; It's a small world, after all.
2:15 p.m.
Our motley crew (me, GG, ET, Bo Peep, and wReckshop) are soon joined by a random assortment of other stock characters (talks far too much guy, surprising sports knowledge girl, quiet guy, ribbons girl, etc), and a member of MU's basketball team -- we'll call him More Money, More Problems (or MMMP, for short).
2:25 p.m. - Sidenote
As we prepare for kickoff, we are all very cognizant of the significance of this upcoming game. As would end up being discussed many times over the course of the next few hours, this game was HUGE for Mizzou. While last week's win and subsequent awesome field-storming against Oklahoma was monumental historically (guess I should have told yall about that one, huh?), it would ultimately mean next to nothing if we lost this game to Nebraska, thus conceding control of the Big 12 North to them. We don't win the Big 12 North, we don't go to the Big 12 title game. We don't go to the Big 12 title game, we don't get a shot at the national title and likely miss out on any other big name bowl game. If we had to lose a game this season, it would have been better to lose to OU than lose to Nebraska.
2:37 p.m.
The game kicks off. MU receives the ball, but in something that would become a familiar sight during this game, doesn't get to return it because the NU kick results in a touchback. MU ball on the 20. Much less exciting opening kickoff than what we saw last week, but oh well. If we are going to win today, we need to weather the frenzied storm of this crowd and do something positive, starting right now. Also: Talks Too Much Guy's mouth has been going a mile a minute since he arrived. I can tell he probably won't get much time to help out with our mountain of nuggets.
2:44 p.m.
MU's less-than-encouraging first drive results in a punt and maybe two positive yards. Not the start we wanted, but those opening game jitters generally go for both sides, right? As long as MU doesn't shit the bed in these first few minutes, we'll be able to compete today.
2:45 p.m.
We weren't too concerned about punting to them because our defense has been damn good this season. Then on their 2nd play, a poor tackling angle from our defenders ensures that Nebraska RB Roy Helu, Jr. skates 66 yards untouched for the first TD. Talk about your boner killers.
2:53 p.m.
We're about 5 minutes into game time and MU has run 6 plays for a net total of 1 yard and punts back to Nebraska, whose fans are understandably in a tizzy. Their momentum continues as they quickly move into our red zone on a long pass. We manage to keep them from getting another TD and they settle for a FG from their All-American K. 10-0 Nebraska, but 2 things our group has going for us: 1) MU not allowing a TD once they got inside the 20 keeps them as the leading red-zone defense in the nation and 2) we've finished roughly 70% of the nuggets.
3:03 p.m.
After the obligatory Nebraska touchback, MU has the ball again and shows signs of life on a 20 yard pass to T.J. Moe. Then our bad offense showed up again and 3 plays later, we are punting again. At least we were consistent in one area.
3:05 p.m.
Fortunately for us, Nebraska is insisting on throwing the ball instead of running it, which is generally their strength. Unfortunately for us, our CB Carl "Winslow" Gettis did not bring his track shoes to the game today, taking yet another poor angle and getting burnt BADLY on a double move by their TE, who really isn't that fast, but scores a TD anyways. 17-0 Nebraska. Damn you, Carl!
3:12 p.m.
MU gets the ball back and after being granted another 1st down via a Nebraska defensive penalty, manages to earn itself another punt. I've never owned my own car, but even I know what the expression "stuck in neutral" means.
3:16 p.m.
It is now 24-0 Nebraska after Roy Helu Jr again scores, this time on a 73-yard TD run. He also wasn't touched on this one by any of our defenders. Ballgame. No way in 5 hells that Missouri is surmounting a 24-point 1st quarter deficit in a environment this hostile and deep down, we all knew it. Disappointment and silence abound throughout the room. Even Talks Too Much Guy is stunned into.... still talking. Okay, so it wasn't TOTAL silence.
For the next 3 quarters, Missouri actually manages to slightly outplay and outscore Nebraska, but the hole is just too big and we lose our first game, 31-17. I'm not saying that we shat the bed, but they certainly don't make diapers big enough for the mess we made in the 1st quarter. Ultimately, if this goes down as our only loss, then our season is a success, but this was likely the most important game of the year, unfortunately. Oh well, on to the more important part of Saturday....
10:13 - 10:30 p.m.
After taking a couple of hours to retire to our separate quarters and recharge our batteries, GG is back to pick me up and me, her, ET, and wReckshop head downtown to Shiloh's to see what they have to offer. Meeting us down there would be Bo Peep and her roommate Ms. Peacock, as well as GG's roommate Mollywhop. I went as Antoine Dodson of "Hide yo' kids, Hide yo' Wife" fame, GG went as Snooki from that awful show about guidos that everyone but me seems to enjoy, wReckshop went as random guy that punched Snooki (I loved the clever simplicity of this), ET went as a "Naughty or Nice" Christmas girl, Bo Peep went as Rachel Green from "Friends," and Ms. Peacock earned her name because she went that way. Get it? Got it? Good.
10:50ish p.m.
I should note that we went to Shiloh's because A) as expected, on our way there, we saw everyone and their mama tryna pack into Fieldhouse, which was our usual summer stomping grounds before I became a social hermit, and B) because we were given to understand that Shiloh's had no cover charge. Well, they ended up having one after all, but it didn't matter because we saw that we at least wouldn't have a tough time getting served or getting a table. It was far from packed, but there were just enough people there that we didn't feel like the social pariahs of the downtown CoMo Halloween scene. That's all we could really ask.
10:55ish p.m
Everybody now has their drinks and I have my Mountain Dew; time to park asses in seats and check out the scenery. Some of the notable costumes around the bar: A group of guys dressed as the recently-freed Chilean miners (too soon, you say? Well that's VERY insensitive to the creative genius of those guys. I certainly salute them), a former classmate of mine teased her hair out and came as a shockingly accurate depiction of Garth from Wayne's World, and, perhaps the best costume outside of our group, a girl dressed as Dora the Explorer. Even we had to admit that this girl was rockin' the shit outta her backpack. Too bad I had the "Best Minority" costume on LOCK.
11:15ish p.m.
Bo Peep and I had spent most of the game earlier synchronizing a series of hand/facial gestures and by this point, we were well on our way to putting them to good use. You don't believe me? Check the facebook pictures, Doubting Thomas.
(SIDEBAR: I'm graduating this semester and though I'll still be around CoMo for awhile, Bo Peep is moving to Iowa City for her final semester to take part in an internship, meaning our good times together are coming to a close sooner than preferred. Saddest of faces. I'm gonna miss this girl to fuckin death, and you can run and tell THAT, homeboy.)
11:37 p.m.
I love people watching as much as the next guy, but we had all come there with a move, and we fully intended on busting it. With the likes of "Thriller" and "The Cupid Shuffle" being played, that dance floor never stood a chance. Somebody grab a brotha another Mountain Dew!
12:01 a.m.
Apparently there was a costume contest going on this entire time, but me and my gang of ruffians had no idea, so we were never officially entered. YOU'RE WELCOME, everyone at the bar not sitting at the cool table.
Between 12 and 1 a.m.
Much of the same stuff from earlier, except we would soon be joined by MMMP and TTMG. Also joining us, random less-than-awesome straggler friend (LTASF) of ET and Bo Peep. In an effort to protect their dignity, let's just leave it at that.
1:15ish a.m.
The activity at the bar is dying down, so it's time to mobilize. Everyone in the group except for me, Bo Peep, Ms. Peacock, and LTASF head out to an afterparty at MMMP's house. The rest of us were gonna go home, but got outside and upon realization that Bo Peep had never been to Broadway Diner, we decide we have time for a good old fashioned cherry popping and we walk the 20 feet to the diner.
While waiting on our food, Bo Peep and LTASF go BALLS DEEP into a "Who's the bigger Dave Matthew's Band fan?" debate, one that was contested vehemently for awhile, but the outcome was never seriously in doubt. Bless LTASF's heart - he's as close to Bo Peep in that regard as I've ever seen - but she remains the biggest Dave Matthews Band fan I've ever met.
While they discussed that for what seemed like hours, Ms. Peacock and got time to catch up -- paint each other's nails, fix up each other's hair, etc -- and what not. When food time arrived, she got a chocolate chip pancake that appeared to be swimming in sprinkles. A lesser person would have gone into a diabetic coma after taking one of those bad boys down, but this clearly was not her first picnic, as it never even fazed her. The key, as she put it, was to eat it with butter instead of syrup. After all, it's tough to enjoy a multiple cavity-inducing, dessert-like pancake while worrying about the calories that syrup would bring; I TOTALLY get that.
Her Broadway Diner cherry officially popped, we all pile outta the diner and get ready to head home. Fun Fact: An innocuous comment about his inferior Dave Matthews fandom by Ms. Peacock sends LTASF storming off in a separate direction while we were on the way to the car, presumably out of our lives forever. Damn, that was a shame. He was JUST starting to get less awesome.
Finally home after what is presumably my last college Halloween experience. Sad face yes, but great times had by all. New friends made, new experiences had, new drugs taken - er, pictures taken. Though Halloween wasn't technically until the Sunday, I would just use that day to catch my breath from the previous two nights of awesoming. Maybe I could have celebrated it again Sunday night, but it was the Sabbath day, so I kept it holy and rested instead - hard to argue with the Bible.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by for storytime, blogomaniacs. We really should do it again sometime - 'twas fun. Until next time, this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off......
Yall stay classy now.
10:13 - 10:30 p.m.
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Most of the gang |
10:50ish p.m.
I should note that we went to Shiloh's because A) as expected, on our way there, we saw everyone and their mama tryna pack into Fieldhouse, which was our usual summer stomping grounds before I became a social hermit, and B) because we were given to understand that Shiloh's had no cover charge. Well, they ended up having one after all, but it didn't matter because we saw that we at least wouldn't have a tough time getting served or getting a table. It was far from packed, but there were just enough people there that we didn't feel like the social pariahs of the downtown CoMo Halloween scene. That's all we could really ask.
10:55ish p.m
Everybody now has their drinks and I have my Mountain Dew; time to park asses in seats and check out the scenery. Some of the notable costumes around the bar: A group of guys dressed as the recently-freed Chilean miners (too soon, you say? Well that's VERY insensitive to the creative genius of those guys. I certainly salute them), a former classmate of mine teased her hair out and came as a shockingly accurate depiction of Garth from Wayne's World, and, perhaps the best costume outside of our group, a girl dressed as Dora the Explorer. Even we had to admit that this girl was rockin' the shit outta her backpack. Too bad I had the "Best Minority" costume on LOCK.
11:15ish p.m.
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Peep the face. |
(SIDEBAR: I'm graduating this semester and though I'll still be around CoMo for awhile, Bo Peep is moving to Iowa City for her final semester to take part in an internship, meaning our good times together are coming to a close sooner than preferred. Saddest of faces. I'm gonna miss this girl to fuckin death, and you can run and tell THAT, homeboy.)
11:37 p.m.
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Mid rug-cutting |
12:01 a.m.
Apparently there was a costume contest going on this entire time, but me and my gang of ruffians had no idea, so we were never officially entered. YOU'RE WELCOME, everyone at the bar not sitting at the cool table.
Between 12 and 1 a.m.
Much of the same stuff from earlier, except we would soon be joined by MMMP and TTMG. Also joining us, random less-than-awesome straggler friend (LTASF) of ET and Bo Peep. In an effort to protect their dignity, let's just leave it at that.
1:15ish a.m.
The activity at the bar is dying down, so it's time to mobilize. Everyone in the group except for me, Bo Peep, Ms. Peacock, and LTASF head out to an afterparty at MMMP's house. The rest of us were gonna go home, but got outside and upon realization that Bo Peep had never been to Broadway Diner, we decide we have time for a good old fashioned cherry popping and we walk the 20 feet to the diner.
While waiting on our food, Bo Peep and LTASF go BALLS DEEP into a "Who's the bigger Dave Matthew's Band fan?" debate, one that was contested vehemently for awhile, but the outcome was never seriously in doubt. Bless LTASF's heart - he's as close to Bo Peep in that regard as I've ever seen - but she remains the biggest Dave Matthews Band fan I've ever met.
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Where has this girl been all my college life? Also: NIP SLIP. |
Her Broadway Diner cherry officially popped, we all pile outta the diner and get ready to head home. Fun Fact: An innocuous comment about his inferior Dave Matthews fandom by Ms. Peacock sends LTASF storming off in a separate direction while we were on the way to the car, presumably out of our lives forever. Damn, that was a shame. He was JUST starting to get less awesome.
Finally home after what is presumably my last college Halloween experience. Sad face yes, but great times had by all. New friends made, new experiences had, new drugs taken - er, pictures taken. Though Halloween wasn't technically until the Sunday, I would just use that day to catch my breath from the previous two nights of awesoming. Maybe I could have celebrated it again Sunday night, but it was the Sabbath day, so I kept it holy and rested instead - hard to argue with the Bible.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by for storytime, blogomaniacs. We really should do it again sometime - 'twas fun. Until next time, this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off......
Yall stay classy now.
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