How goes it blogosphere? Sir Marcus here, back for part 2 (SCROLL DOWN FOR PART ONE).
So with my family having left for the weekend, it was time for me to settle down into something we've all been looking forward to since February: the beginning of pro football season. Not only am I a fan of the game, willing to watch just about anyone who's on TV, but fantasy football has given me a vested interest in most games that take place, whether it involves my favorite team or not. To date, I have five separate fantasy football teams, so I have players on most of the league's teams that I cheer for every week. Yes, it's stressful most of the time worrying about players in every single game, but at least this way, every game means something to me. Otherwise, games like yesterday's Ram/Seahawks showdown would be barely a blip on my gameday radar.
Now, anyone who knows me knows how much I love football. But by the end of the night, NFL Opening Weekend took a backseat to something else that was going on that night: The 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. I originally had no intentions on watching the VMA's this year, but by the end of the night, anyone who missed it had missed out on quite the shitshow. Now, let me clarify this: when I say it was a shitshow, I mean it in a sorta complimentary way. It certainly wasnt a shitshow in a bad sense like the BET Awards 09 were. The BET Awards 09 were pretty damn terrible, and embarrassing to watch for the most part (which, in a way, makes them a perfect microcosm of the entire BET network). The VMAs last night were a shitshow, but an entertaining one at least, running its viewers thru a gamut of emotions like elation, confusion, anger, sorrow, and at times - at least for me - sheer terror. I'll explain.
The host for the evening was Russell Brand, who was hosting for the 2nd year in a row, I believe. I'll go on record by saying that I like Brand. His comedy is definitely not for everyone, as his jokes take quite a bit of time to develop, but he seems like a genuinely cool guy to hang out with. I don't think he's necessarily funny as a stand-up comedian, but I think we can all agree that his work in Forgetting Sarah Marshall was pretty solid. Anyways, last night, he seemed like he wasn't totally there. Maybe he was on drugs or something or maybe I just don't see him on T.V. enough, but something seemed a little off last night. He seemed to have a much easier time making us all uncomfortable than he did making us laugh. He generally rambled quite a bit, and I honestly thought he was ad-libbing all of his monologues, which isn't always a good thing. Not his best effort, in my humble opinion.
The night opened with a very nice dance tribute to Michael Jackson, as a group of dancers performed routines to a a handful of his hits, concluding with a heartfelt cameo appearance by Janet Jackson to perform their hit collabo "Scream." Even if you don't particularly care for all of his music, this was a great moment to watch. Good for you to be able to bounce back like that Janet, good for you. Once the sentimentalities were outta the way, the night really took off.
As for the actual awards, only a select few really matter, and with that being said, we go right to the story of the night: Kanye West's outrageous stunt. If you haven't seen it yet, then you, my friend have missed the boat. We all know that Kanye is eccentric and outspoken, therefore making him prone to incredibly sad and perplexing moments (ask Mike Myers and George Bush), but last night, he might have finally earned himself the type of negative publicity that even a superstar of his stature may not be able to overcome. What did he do? Well, the category for "Video of the Year" came up and in somewhat of an upset, Taylor Swift came out as the winner over people like Beyonce and Lady Gaga (who would also be heard from on this night). So Taylor goes onto stage to accept her award and is about 10 seconds or so into when Kanye crashes the stage, takes the mic, and though he attempts to give her her just due, he goes on to say that basically Beyonce got robbed and that her video was one of best videos OF ALL TIME. Needless to say, the crowd began to boo mercilessly. Now I admit, I laughed when I saw it, not because it was funny in a comical sense, but because it was just so surreal and so vintage Kanye West, that I had to laugh at just how uncomfortable everyone was.
The only real way to explain the subsequent expression of Taylor Swift,

Even in defending his friend, Kanye proved that he isn't above going out of his way to make his voice heard and no matter how big or small the venue or the company in the room, no prop or personality in any given room can even compare to the size of his ego. No one here is questioning his talent and his impact on modern-day music, but this was absolutely the wrong forum to express his sentiments. To have the gall to do something like that, damn the consequences, speaks to someone whose ego simply cannot be placated enough. There was no reason to get on stage and steal Taylor's moment from her like that, especially since she's still a teenager who was experiencing her first moment in the glory of the VMA's. No, a VMA is not a Grammy award, but if she hasn't won one of those yet, they probably aren't far behind either. Rumors have it that she could be seen backstage broken down in tears by quite a few people, which obviously makes the story that much sadder. By all accounts, Taylor is an absolute sweetheart who was just happy to be there and mentioned in the same breath as the other people in her category, so when she won, it should have been a moment that she could treasure and keep forever. Well, from hence forth, she'll definitely remember the moment, but not for the right reasons. Just an absolutely astonishing lack of respect for the moment and the process shown by Mr. West.
Kanye's power move set facebook and twitter afire with passionate music fans (ESPECIALLY those of Taylor Swift) and other celebrities calling for his head. Pink wrote "Kanye West is the biggest piece of shit on earth. Quote me" (Katy Perry also had something like that to say, but as she's beginning to find out, people care less and less by the day what she says, so her quote doesn't matter). Many pop-culture bloggers and fans have gone as far as to say that they will never again contribute a dollar to any of his music or projects and they are no longer gonna even listen to any of his music. While I can't exactly co-sign those kinda rash statements, I certainly understand the general disgust people have towards his stunt. It was embarrassing to not only fans of his, but fans of music in general, and - considering that Lil Mama later did something similar - yes, black people as well. Yes, I said it, and I know I'm not the only African-American that feels that way, but that's another issue for another day.
After Kanye's outburst (and subsequent removal from the building)

how truly bizarre an individual Lady Gaga is? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?!? I mean, the woman
showed up to the red carpet with KERMIT THE FUCKING FROG as her date (though now that I think about it, that was weird, but still pretty awesome). Her performance was so incredibly eerie that I could not find the words to properly convey my thoughts on it. At one point, fake blood poured from her costume and she was then raised by rope to about 20 feet off the stage, where she ended the performance dangled above her backup dancers. I legitimately thought that maybe she was hanging herself for a hot second there. Throughout the evening, it seemed that she was somehow in a different outfit every time the camera caught glimpse of her. When she won the award for "Best New Artist," she came onstage wearing a see-through red dress, complete with a mask and what I'm gonna just refer to as an asshat . I never know what to really say when I see her. Hermaphrodite rumors aside, she is just THAT weird. That being said, I believe this must have been what it was like to see Madonna when she first hit the scene

The night also saw a flying trapeze performance by Pink, who deserves kudos just for being able to concentrate on singing whilst she flew all over the stage. During her set, I mentally prepared myself to see her fall from her rope and harness, but luckily, the fall never came. I don't think I could ever see something like that happen and just shake it off anyways. I would be terrified to ever watch anyone on a rope ever again.
All night, folks had been wondering where Jay-Z was. When the time for his performance came, he did indeed show up, and he and Alicia Keys performed a very good rendition of their song "Empire State of Mind." However, the end of the song was ruined when Keys and Jay-Z struck a pose and then had their stage crashed by Lil Mama - Yes, THAT Lil Mama, the assclown from America's Best Dance Crew - who could not have possibly been invited to that stage. The look on Jay-Z's face said it all, as if you ever see the picture, you'll see that he - like the rest of us - had to have been disgusted. It's one thing for Kanye West to do this sorta thing, he's musically relevant. But Lil Mama hasn't been the least bit musically relevant since that damn "Lip Gloss" song came out like 3 or 4 years ago. Her music career isnt strong enough on its own to withstand the sorta backlash that she may have brought on herself. Did she think it would be funny? It wasn't. It was possibly as absurd as Kanye's stunt, but she won't be talked about as much because she doesn't matter. I've already used too many words on her.
After that debacle, however, we got a moment that, at the very least, rivals the Janet Jackson moment from earlier in the show. When Beyonce won for "Female Video of the Year," instead of giving yet another monotonous, blah blah blah speech for an award that she's certainly got plenty of back at her home, she brought Taylor Swift to allow her to have her moment in the sun after all. If you weren't a Beyonce fan before that, then you certainly were when she did it, as it was the epitome of classy and gracious. This showing by Beyonce was as classy and touching as Kanye's was selfish and ridiculous. What a truly poignant moment.
And that, my friends, wraps up my take on the 2009 VMA's. There were many ups and downs, but it was very entertaining and at the end of the day, that's all we can really ask. Kanye West may end up coming to regret the timing of his outburst, but at least it's provided us with something to talk about for years to come. Until next time, this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off... Yall take care now.
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