Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer Series (part 1)

What it does, blogosphere? Sir Marcus back in action here

I know I know, the posts are becoming more and more infrequent; I mean, this is only my 2nd post since what, September? That's no good, so in an effort to sustain a more satisfactory blog frequency, I'm gonna try to do smaller posts but do them a lot more often, starting right this second. Grab yo' seatbelts fools, we're taking off.

- The school year is EXTRA over. I swear to God, it feels like we just started not too long ago. My 4th year of college is now in the books and though most of the high school class of 2006 has graduated college in these past few weeks, I'm sticking around for a little while and graduating this coming December. College is awesome and I'm in no real rush to leave, so sue me.

- All of my roommates have up and moved out of our apartment in the past month or so, though as of today, there are still 2 months on our leases. We live in a townhouse, so you can imagine the empty feeling that has been permeating throughout that place for the past 2 weeks. As for the roommates, the first guy absolute had to go, as he was the that bad roommate you all hear horror stories about. Don't believe me? Let's review his body of work:

1) Allowing his rude gf/evil twin/mistress/succubus to stay there without paying rent? Check.
2) Always having people over and making noise into the wee hours of the morning? Guilty.
3) Constantly smoking weed and leaving the smell lingering for days on end in a house with 3 non-weedsmokers? Yup.
4) Allegedly not paying his share of the utilities on a monthly basis? Oh you know it.
5) Most likely responsible for the disappearance of other roommates' food items as a side effect of items 1-3? DAMN STRAIGHT.

Yeah, so ya'll agree that homie needed to gets to steppin' ? Of course you do. The other two guys moved out because one has a job back home for the summer and the other is a volunteer fireman and is going to just be there all summer. The one who works at home also just got engaged to his gf of a year or so, so congratulations are in order for those two. They seem very happy together, so I'm proud of them. Anyways, between my relentlessly undeniable awesomeness, one guy getting engaged, and the other being a volunteer firefighter (and sober student driver as well), it clearly became too much good for one townhouse to contain. Tis a pity, but I suppose I'll just have to hold down the fort on my own.

- Is it weird to ask someone out via facebook? Yeah it probably is, but it wouldn't be the first (or the last, I'm sure) time that one of my methods has been perceived as "weird," so you'll have to come stronger than that, haters! But, before you burn me at the stake for doing it that way, get to know some of my extenuating circumstances: first of all, I don't have this girl's number yet (or I obviously would have called her) and generally don't see her that much anyways. Also, I've found that usually, my waiting around to ask someone out (if I ever even get to that stage) has only served to remind me of how bad my timing really can be, so I had to act pretty damn fast, especially with her being single only recently (as far as I know); Dammit, my hands were tied, people! Whatever the case, I've sorta had my eye on her for awhile now, and if exposing myself to potential criticism and silent judgment on the interweb means that there's a chance that this message gets through to her, then that's a price I'm gladly willing to pay. Stay tuned for further developments, ya knuckleheads.

Anyways, that's good for Part 1 of the thoroughly entertaining "Summer Series." Be on the lookout for part 2 in the next few days, but until then this is Sir Marcus T. Williams signing off....

Ya'll take care now.

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